Spacer Cadets Preview
Bernard gets into a rather tight jam when trying to enter the docking bay – he’s just an accountant!

So who are the Spacer Cadets?
Meet the Spacer Cadet Team Characters
Commander Zack Zephyr
Commander Zack Z. Zephyr – or Z.Z.Z. for short. – Considered a breath of fresh air by Moist Magazine.
(His costume is a bit too tight and he should have grown up years ago)

Penelope Prazzle
With a penchant for velvet, Penelope is organised and perhaps a little bossy.

Ray Blaster
Once child genius – now she’s a teenage… well a teenager who’s realised that she’s surrounded by idiots. She’s probably right!

Bernard Bernard
So good they named him twice. Never making it back to accounts, Bernard now pilot the U.S.S Mission, going blindly where no-one has gone before.

Alan Altima a.k.a 'Skyboy'
What he lacks in skill he more than makes up with in courage and dertimination. If only he could tie his own shoes.

Gran a.k.a 'Deathblast'
This diva may have been around the Galaxy a few times but she’s got all the right moves and watch out for her lethal right jab!

Dr. Opped 1
Dispensing the right meds at the right time – he’s always got something to say.

Blow-Hard the Cat
No one knows that the ship’s cat is in fact an evil super-villain who will do what ever it takes to scupper the Spacer Cadets – even if they do more damage on their own!
Watch the First Series
Join the intrepid crew of the U.S.S. (whaterver that means) Mission on her ongoing voyage to improve Asthma and COPD management!
Watch 12 exciting episodes of TV hilarity as each crew member deals with their triggers, improving prevention and relief management.

Inhaler Techniques
Learn from Commander Zack Zephyr how to use a wide range of inhaler devices currently available for Asthma and COPD.